| 1. | Most are small local operas focusing on songs and dances 多是歌舞为主的民间小戏。 |
| 2. | Taoism and the local operas in southern fujian province 道教与闽南戏曲 |
| 3. | Night fell . from the loud speakers came local opera tunes 夜色降临,喇叭里传来地方戏的曲调。 |
| 4. | About 200 years ago , the qing emperor qianlong toured in southern china and developed an interest in the local operas 大约在200多年前,清朝的乾隆皇帝在南巡时,对地方上的戏剧产生了浓厚的兴趣。 |
| 5. | There are 271 stories the paper deal with , which take the form of drama , local opera , short story and novel 本稿考察的包公故事涉及话本、戏曲、说唱、短篇小说专集、中篇小说和长篇小说各类文学样式,共有二百七十一个故事。 |
| 6. | The special forms of art have three in one ( combinesing ; playing flutes , horns or frumpets ; beating drums into one form of performance ) with characteristics of local opera and musical styles of drama 这一独特的艺术形式,集唱、吹、打“三位一体” ,既有民间地方色彩,又有戏曲音乐风格。 |
| 7. | It is said this art form encompasses poem , music , dance and drama into one form . it has significant position in chinese history of local opera , literature and muaic 武功技术卓绝,表演情真意切,它有诗的意境,画的风采,熔诗、乐、歌、舞、戏于一炉,在中国戏曲史、文学史、音乐史上都占有重要的地位。 |
| 8. | During the reign of the kangxi emperor 1662 - 1722 and the qianlong emperor 1736 - 1795 , new year prints depicting local operas became popular , perhaps because of the greater stability and prosperity of the times 中国戏曲源远流长,剧种繁多。尤其进入清代康熙、乾隆年间,随著社会繁荣兴旺,戏曲年画开始盛行一时。 |
| 9. | During the reign of the kangxi emperor ( 1662 - 1722 ) and the qianlong emperor ( 1736 - 1795 ) , new year prints depicting local operas became popular , perhaps because of the greater stability and prosperity of the times 中国戏曲源远流长,剧种繁多。尤其进入清代康熙、乾隆年间,随著社会繁荣兴旺,戏曲年画开始盛行一时。 |